This is an image that I found whilst searching for 'Fantasy' photography on This photograph of an 'assassin' was captured in low-key lighting settings in a studio environment by the look of the precise lighting which frames the head and the blank background. The subject is grasping a large sword by the hilt, holding the blade to the ground, and his/her face is shrouded in darkness due to the lighting and the hood. We can, however, see the spiky bottom of the sword's hilt, which is rather menacing. Dressed in all black, and surrounded by shadows created by the low-key lighting, this image portrays a dark assassin and a menacing atmosphere. The essence of this image is in the lighting, props, costume, and framing.

This is interesting as the pose, costume, and props in this image are practically the same as the first image's. Essentially, the two images are the same, however, simply by changing the lighting for this one, and zooming out a little bit, Bindemanis was able to create a completely different look and atmosphere. The lighting this time is clear, and angled to hit the subject's right-hand side. With the camera also being zoomed out more in this image, more of the sword has been revealed, and the light in this one now hits the side of it, making it more visible and therefore slightly less threatening. The same goes for the model's face. With a stronger light and a different angle, the model's face is now visible, and we can see a smirk on his/her face. Being able to see more of the subject makes it less threatening. The other main difference is the background, which now has smoke in it and is no longer blank. The smoke, possible added in Photoshop, creates an air of mystery, but also brightens the image even more.

As for this image, Bindemanis has created a rather morbid feeling. The low-angle shot of the model who is holding a sword to the ground gives the impression that he/she has just stabbed the viewer, and is glaring at his/her next victim/target. The black armour and spiky sword make the model look dark and menacing, and the facial expression only adds to this. Although we can see the model and the sword clearly in this image, it is still menacing due to the expression on the model's face, and the low-angle shot combined with the model's pose. The image is framed well for this, too, as the model's head is to the right-side of the image, and he/she is looking to the left-side -- the "looking room" helps build the implication that he/she is glaring at another person.
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