Friday 14 March 2014

Artist Research - Stokkete

In this image, we see a man with a bow, aiming an arrow at something with trees and smoke surrounding him. The man is wearing a gas mask, and modern clothing, thus implying that this is not in the past, but in the present, or perhaps even in the future. I found this set of images whilst searching for 'Post-Apocalyptic' themed photographs on the Internet, so it could be that the man is fighting for survival in a dystopian world and is aiming at his prey or an enemy. The things I really like about this image are the colour filters that will most likely have been added in Photoshop, and the smoke, which will also most likely have been added in Photoshop. These two factors make the image very atmospheric; the smoke implies "destruction", "decay", and "ruin", whilst the orange and turquoise colours imply "fire", and "emptiness". Together they create a 'Post-Apocalyptic' atmosphere.

Similarly, this image uses smoke and 'colour correction' to create the atmosphere. With this image, however, one does not get such a sense of hostility when looking at it as he/she does with the first image. The reasons for this are that the camera angle is different and is now not a mid-shot from in-front of the model, but it is now a full-body-shot from the side of the model. Due to the shot being taken from the side, we cannot see the model's face/mask as clearly, nor is he/she aiming his/her bow near to the camera. We feel less threatened when looking at this image because the model is aiming upwards and away from us (the camera), whereas in the first one he/she is aiming very close to the camera as well as the view being closer to him/her, thus making the first image more intense. This is much like the work of Dmitrijs Bindemanis, wherein he completely changes the way his images are interpreted by slightly changing one or two small things, such as lighting, whilst keeping the shot practically the same.

In drastic contrast, we feel as though the model is now the one at risk in this image, as opposed to being the all powerful hunter(ess). The 'colour correction' is quite different in this image as it is a mix of yellow/orange and green. The model also isn't in the smoke, but he is instead surrounded by it. The framing of the image puts the model to the left side of the image, instead of being central like in the others, thus furthermore implying that he is now vulnerable. On top of that, the model's posture is different; he/she is no longer standing up-right, but is hunched forward slightly, which suggests that he/she is being cautious and might be somewhat fearful.

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